Hiya, just wondering if anyone has had trochanteric bursitis (hip pain) ??? apparently very common when running....Ive not run for 2wks now and am taking fairly strong anti inflammatories...have stopped limping and not in too much pain and want to get back to me running schedule....Doc said 6-8wks though !!! any advice anyone ??? cheers, Bernie
Hello Bernie The best advice i could offer is rest it and try icing the painfull area ,also if its not to painfull do some stretching why not have try and get some massage on it,. but most of all listen to your body.Hope to see you down at the club soon ,take it easy FrankMc
thanks frank for that, yes ive booked in for some treatment and got a physio appointment nxt week, and its really hard to rest ! hope to be back soon : (