I wont be running the 5 miler but if enough people are doing it then I will come and support the Striders. I have the Birchwood 5 miler on sat and i don't feel up to a race this soon after my holiday (too much white wine!)
I will ask tomorrow night at club to see if anyone is interested. I did hear a few people talking about it before I went away so I should think so
Rach, although I had planned to do the Sefton 5 miler, it's now likely I can't get down at all this week. My last run was Wed last week, I just can't get out to run at the moment. I may be able to do Birchwood if there are still entries on the day I may see you there.
Looking a head the Wagon and Horse 10 miler is on 3rd August and I hope to do that race. I know Les is looking at this race also.
Do you mean Burtonwood, rather than Birchwood? This sat at 4pm? If so, called the organiser and there will probably be entries on the day.
Had a virus/tonsillitis/lurgy a few weeks back. Fully recovered now, but took me a while to get back into running, just been plodding round last couple of weeks, hence non-appearance at the club. Might do the race on Saturday anyway, just to shock me into training again!
If not, hopefully be along on Wednesday (it's not the handicap is it???).